Modern Love Requires Modern Jewelry

When you know what you want, how do you go about getting it? Set some goals, make a plan, and probably ask for advice from people who’ve ...


Dear Kat: Is Matchmaking Worth It?

> Dear Kat, I’m the last single person in my group of friends and I’m considering matchmaking, is it worth it?
> Sincerely,
> Solo Sing...


What's the Secret To A Lasting Relationship?

A solid relationship is a goal for so many of us. But beyond taking adorable selfies and being in love, what does it take to keep a relat...


How To NOT Sabotage Your New Relationship

Meeting someone new for a first date, we all know the feeling: the excitement in your mind complimenting that nervous tickle in your stom...


Why Butterflies Don't Matter

Growing up, I always held a view that when I met the love of my life it was supposed to be MAGIC and CHEMISTRY…and an explosion of smiley...
